Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Withdrawals are for Drug Addicts and Equestrians

So December Started with a BANG...  Just moved to a great new barn (Thalia Farm) and have lots of great things to look forward to- namely lots of fun riding things to do in the winter and spring.  Nova and I had been taking it easy since the Rivendale show in October and his Chiro appointments to straighten his back out.

Meanwhile, I'd been helping Robyn and Becca get the Barn ready for move in day.  Barn work is one of those types of jobs that is immediately gratifying.  Even though it's hard and your arms feel like T-Rex arms the next day, you still feel really good about what you did.

So just when I set my sights on getting us both back into shape, enter the ugly, evil, horrible Bronchitis.  When I get Bronchitis, I REALLY get Bronchitis.  It makes me so sick and I cough so hard I end up puking and it's just all around unpleasant.  I also miss work.  And most importantly the barn.

When I have Bronchitis, I literally can't stand being at the barn b/c of the dust.  So it's been about 2.5 weeks since I've felt like myself but I'm finally feeling better.  I rode this weekend and it was glorious.  Even just to get on and walk around made me feel like this:

The next day, I got to canter around the perimeter trail with my dog and I felt like this (imagine a dog in the picture below obediently following the horse):

After quite possibly the best two days of my life, the holidays hit. Now as much as I love my family-at this point I was having some major riding withdrawals.  Like full on shakes and cold sweats withdrawals.
And today it rained. A lot.

I guess there's always tomorrow to chase the next horsey high.  Until then, there's always YouTube & Chronicle of the Horse...  

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