Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Horse Girl

The other day while on a hack with my friend, Cindy, I blew my nose on a Maple leaf because I just had one of those feelings up my nose that I just knew was going to ruin my (life) ride if I didn't get it out.

Now, because I am a socialized human and hang out with those that are (gasp!) non-horse people, I realize that blowing your nose on a Maple leaf just. is. not. done.

However, this got us thinking.  We horse people are clearly cut from a... ahem... different cloth.  So what things do you do that prove, without an inch of doubt, that you are a horse girl? Below are 10 of my personal favorites:

  1. Blows nose on Maple leaf because she can't be bothered to dismount from her horse to go to the restroom because it would interrupt her ride.
  2. Husband refers to horse as "the love of her life."
  3. Wishes breeches, half chaps and a "Hairy Trotter" T-shirt was acceptable corporate work attire.
  4. Shares any of her food with her horse. Extremely anti-sharing food with people.
  5. Hay may as well be a hair product.
  6. F-250 Diesel 4x4 is her dream car.
  7. Broke ankle, called the vet.
  8. Gave horse her Birthday cupcakes
  9. Monthly horse payment is equal to or greater than the payment for a 3 series BMW.
  10. Spends more time shopping for blankets for her horse than clothes for herself. 

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