Thursday, May 23, 2013

You have Arrived at Your Destination: Beginner Novice


I have great news. Nova the Wonder Pony and I completed our first BN this past weekend. I took in a lot of advice and mainly focused on having FUN. We got down to the event on Saturday and my horse was in good spirits and happy to find his accommodations pleasing to him while me and my entourage walked the XC and Stadium Courses. I had been practicing some Novice Height at home so really the jumps didn't seem all that big to me. The Stadium was set for Training so that was great to see the jumps so large and knowing they would come down two levels by the time I was jumping around. 

I cannot thank Tommy and my friends Becca, Brenna and Victoria enough for all their help. photography and encouragement, not only this weekend, but the support and instruction leading up to the weekend.  This is not a sport that you succeed at alone. And it goes much deeper than just a rider, a horse and a trainer. There's a whole slew of people who are on "Team Golden Snitch" that set us up for success and for that, I'm eternally grateful. The list is too long to name everyone, but my hope is that I'm gracious enough day to day that these people know who they are and know they are so deeply appreciated.

Ironically, after all the worry about the jumping, the dressage ended up being the most difficult. It was raining, and Nova took one look at the people in ponchos and basically had a firecracker up his rear the entire time. After watching the video, it actually improved our trot work, but he was running through my aids in preparation for the canter departs so we blew both canter leads initially. However, the trot and walk work was so good, we were still in first after dressage! I seriously could not believe it. 

Next was on to XC. There was one large hanging log at max height that was wigging me out a little, but once we got on course and he got into his rolling canter, I knew it was going to be fine. He is such a star on XC it's ridiculous. He just hopped over everything like it was no big deal and we had a blast. I did some trotting b/c they had a slow optimum time on the course and I didn't want to get any time penalties. So I mixed in some trot here and there and we came through with no penalties!

Stadium was immediately after XC, so I was a little concerned about his stamina and carefulness going in, but once again, he proved to be a rock star and just hopped over everything like no. big. deal. We had one very slight bobble with a jump under a tree so the lighting was a little funny to him but he jumped it anyway. 

We ended up in 1st place on our dressage score of 36.  I could not be prouder of my boy, and I can't believe I was so worried about the move up. I have another schooling BN scheduled this fall. Not sure what's next after that... maybe onto our first recognized??
Here are the videos from the day. Thanks again so much for all your kind words of encouragement and shared experiences. That is why I love this sport so much. 




Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Life's a Rodeo (Except You Should Aim to Stay On Longer Than 8 Seconds)

Whew.  I'm telling you, sometimes life just picks up speed so fast you don't even know what hit you.  The weather has picked up and the days are longer and therefore, I was spending every waking moment at the barn, other than when I was doing the necessities like eating, sleeping, and working. Here's what I've been up to, numerical-style:

1.  Operation: Vacay.  I had an awesome horse vacation to Aiken, SC (aka Horse Heaven) which consisted of wine, great rides, great friends, great food, and wine. And Bailey's. Oh, and Breakfast. Nova was awesome as usual- always the solid citizen, he always makes traveling fun for me because out of all the things I worry about, his (potentially bad) behavior isn't one of them.  Also, we cleared some rather large jumps out in Hitchcock Woods which makes me know two things: a. Don't ever jump with your extra long trail riding length stirrups again and b. We are more than ready for Foxtrack's Beginner Novice Event this month.

2.  Operation: Brenna Boo Boo.  Nova and I have been educating one of my favorite people, Brenna (aka Brenna Boo Boo), one of Thalia Farm's Working Student Goddesses. After two consecutive falls, Brenna needed some confidence building.  Nova was totally up for the task and he has been safe and steady while also challenging her to actually RIDE.  They are doing so great together, it really warms my heart.  Especially since Nova himself came from a less than confident place in his mind and now has bloomed into a horse that can not only BE confident but pass that confidence onto people who need it. Not to mention, our lessons with Brenna are some of my favorite times of the week.  It's a positive experience for all of us and I thoroughly enjoy it.

3.  Operation: Paint Baby.  So, as it goes, us horse people can't stay off of Craigslist.  So when an extremely low priced paint/draft cross showed up who clearly needed me popped up, well there wasn't much the husband could do about it, so of course I get the trailer, bought him, and brought him home.  Poor horse was in okay shape body-wise, but his feet needed help and he was VERY jumpy and scared of people.  Additionally, they were calling him Paint Baby, which--no offense-- I think is not a great name.  I am not sure what happened to him but it will take some time to gain his trust 100%.  He is making huge strides though, and is already getting easier to catch and is going for short rides around the property. We have re-named him Neville and I think he's going to be awesome. 

After weeks of nonstop equestrianism, I realized I probably need to add some balance to my life.  So, I rescheduled my week so I have a few days at home to take care of business at the homestead.

However, all of these projects have taken their toll and now I'm 2 weeks away from Foxtrack and haven't even ridden my dressage test once. I need to get on this-- stat.  Operation FoxTrack, Beginner Novice B and a 2'7" stadium school with Becca and I'll be feeling much better.  OH, and I should probably locate my coggins and my checkbook--- it's almost show-time!!!